Now it gets slightly
difficult. The next is Nori! Nori can be remembered by his strange hair…
starfish hair… yeah. Nori is kinda dodgy… if he’s up to something it’s quite
likely illegal.
Nori’s name means ‘Little
shaver, a small bit of something’

Unlike his brother, Nori, Ori is more… knitted mittens and
button sweaters. He’s the innocent looking one, one of the younger dwarves. He
likes to write and draw. He is very polite, but has ruthless determination. His
name means, ‘Violent,’

Dori is the brother of Nori
and Ori, and has his grey hair all plaited up weird at the back… which is
probably the only distinct characteristic he has. Dori looks out for Ori
constantly. He is a pessimist, and generally expects the worst! Dori’s name
means ‘Borer’

Then we have Oin! Oin is
the one with a hearing loss, he carries a horn-thingy-ma-bobby to hold up to
his ear (What is that called again? I can’t remember) which is probably the
best way to remember him. He is the healer in the company. He is the brother of
Gloin. Oin’s name means ‘Shy’

Last but not least, we have Gloin, our stereotypical dwarf!
He has a typical dwarf beard, and a typical dwarf manner, which is what I
remember him by! Gloin is the father of Gimli, who would in future become
acclaimed for a role in the Fellowship of the Ring. Gloin is the only married
one in the company. He is quick-tempered, loyal and brave. Gloin’s name means
‘Glowing One’

Thirteen dwarves, thirteen characteristics, thirteen
explanations (and now ten sore fingers form typing!). I hope this is a help to
anyone who wanted to get to know their dwarves!
That's all the parts of the Dwarves series! I really hope you enjoyed! (NO CREDIT TO ME) Soon, I will be doing a review on the PC/Mac/Linux game, 'The Hobbit: Armies of the Third Age'