
Sunday, 8 July 2012

The Hobbit poster...but no hobbit in sight.

This,is the new comic-con Hobbit poster for The Hobbit movie....but there's no Hobbit in sight. Unfortunately, I could not get this image of the poster to it's original size as it was way to was 8x bigger then x-large.check out some of da comments of what people think of this poster below. Plz note that da comments r from a different website,the website where I got this poster from.

[–]clgt360 140 points  ago
Higher resolution here

[–]LG03 226 points  ago
I find it amusing that the poster for The Hobbit doesn't actually feature a hobbit.

[–]TrogdorLLC 174 points  ago
"You must be <--THIS tall to pass."

[–]ciwee 10 points  ago
I was like: "How the hell it has something to do with hob.. wooow.."

[–]BigBassBone 6 points  ago
The world's most giant hobbit?

[–]Carolus_Rex 4 points  ago
It is probably meant to show Mithrandir on his way to Bilbo.

[–]googlegoog 38 points  ago
They are splitting it into two movies, and probably about 2.5 - 3 hours each, so hopefully they can do a good job of shrinking the story down to the movie time format. They did a great job with LotR even though they strayed a little from the books, the movies were masterpieces themselves and followed the story pretty closely.

[–]Dances_with_Sheep 45 points  ago
Shrinking down? I think you overestimate the length of The Hobbit.

[–]googlegoog 8 points  ago
There is a lot of details in the book that will probably never make it to the screen because of time/unnecessary info for movie viewers, so yes they will probably shrink down the book to fit in the 5-6 hours total between the two films. But then again they are adding additional content such as where Gandalf goes when he decides to randomly leave the group, so maybe I am overestimating the length of the book.

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