
Friday 12 July 2013

Dwarves - Part 1

Hello once again Hobbitiers! Today, I;m showing you something different. Instead of my usual slightly-interesting-however-slight-boring posts, I bring something my friend made. My friend is also a very big fan of LOTR and is also absolutely crazy about Pippin. My friend made this umm...what to call it.. 'introduction' of the 13 dwarves, Each coming in 3 parts! I will upload the next one next week, and the next one the week after that. So - Here's part one!

Dwarves are a HUGE part of The Hobbit, making up thirteen of the main characters! But when most people are asked which is their favourite one, they often say, “Um….”
Remembering all thirteen dwarves seems hard, but it’s actually simple! All you need to do is match a name to a special characteristic.
Peter Jackson knew the dwarves would be hard to tell apart; that’s why he made them all look distinctly different!
Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Ori, Nori, Dori, Oin, and Gloin all have something special about them that makes them unique. Let’s start with the easy one. Bombur.

So, basically, Bombur is the fat dwarf. That’s the best way to remember him. He’s lovable and funny (though he doesn’t speak- just eats!) and the cook in the company. But seriously- cut down on the cheese, dude! Bombur- along with his brother Bofur and his cousin Bifur- is the only dwarf not related to Thorin or of high and royal lineage. Bombur’s name actually means ‘the swollen one’

Our next dwarf is Balin- another easy one! Balin has an epic beard- with a likeness to Santa Claus…He’s loyal to Thorin and would follow him anywhere. He’s one of the oldest and wisest in the company. His name has no meaning- but is suggested his name is derived from ‘Old Norse’ ‘bál’ meaning ‘Fire’. ‘Balin’ could mean ‘Burning-one’.

Dwalin is Balin’s brother. He is mostly bald- (apart from, of course, his beard)- and has a tattoo across his scalp. He’s quite rough, ‘a powerful and bruising fighter’ says Weta Studios – and particularly suspicious of elves. Dwalin’s name could mean ‘lying in a trance’ ‘numb’ or ‘dawdler’

Here we go- onto Thorin- the leader of the company. Thorin has a distinctive kingly, majestic air about him- which usually allows me to remember him every time- however, another way to remember is the grim look which is pretty much constantly on his face.

"I am Thorin son of Thrain son of Thror King under the Mountain! I return!"

Thorin is so grim for a reason- his home was attacked by Smaug the dragon- and even as Erebor fell no aid came and he never forgave… and never forgot. Thorin’s name means ‘Bold’

 That, My friends, is part 1! If the images don't appear, I will try and get them working in 24 hours time. 

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